Friday, November 13, 2009

Deportation for Cindy Crawford Extortionist

If your a Celebrity it may do you justice to run background checks on your staff. Cindy

Crawford's nanny (Ms.Freckman) found herself in a jam with her new boyfriend Edis Kayalar,

who's has been accused of trying to extort more than $100,000 from Crawford and her

husband, has a sordid past that includes allegations of rape and abuse from his ex-wife and


February 2008 , Kayalars ex accused him of rape. Apparently he was an illegal and married for

Citizenship and the marriage only lasted a few months of marriage.

So many women seem to think that those who are illegal marry for love when in truth its the

way to get into the U.S. We arent saying all that fall in love with a foreigner finds out its really

not about love but this has became a way for people needing money to get paid for bringing in

illegals ie: marraige.

Crawfords nanny stated that the abuse has been ongoing since they were married.

Looks like he wont be making anymore attempts.. he was deported back to his country


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